VAT Name :
Mervardesskatt (MOMS)
VAT Number Format :
123456789012 (12 digits)
VAT Information Offices :
Skatterverket Solna, Strandvag 22, 171 94 Solna
Rate | Type | Which goods or services |
25% | Standard | All other taxable goods and services |
12% | Reduced | Some foodstuffs; Non alcoholic drinks; Takeaway food; Minor repairs to bicycles; Shoes and leather goods; Clothing and household linen; Hotel accommodation; Restaurant and catering services; Some works of art, collectors items and antiques |
6% | Reduced | Reduced e books; Domestic passenger transport; ; Books, newspapers and periodicals; Admission to cultural events (excl cinema); Writers and composers; Admission to sports events; Use of sports facilities |
0% | Zero | Medicines (prescriptions or hospitals); Intra-EU and international passenger transport; Printing services for non profit organisations |
- Letting of immovable property
- Letting of residential property (excluding short term letting)
- Letting of commercial property (subject to certain exclusions)
- Financial services
- Healthcare
- Education
- Supply of land
- Option to tax can apply in certain cases to only leasing and letting of immovable property
Registration Threshold : SEK 30.000
Distance Selling Threshold : SEK 320.000
Dispatches : SEK 4.500.000
Arrivals : SEK 9.000.000
Intra-Community Acquisition Threshold : SEK 90.000
VAT Free Shopping for Tourists : SEK 200
Non-Resident : Non-resident businesses without a fixed establishment must register for VAT (nil threshold)
Late Filing of VAT Returns : Fines between SEK 500 and SEK 1.000. Late payment is charged interest of the National Bank base rate plus 15% per year
Late Filing of EC Sales : fines up to SEK 1.000 can be imposed
Late Filing of Intrastat : minor fines
Other :
– Penalties may apply in cases of tax fraud, evasion, etc.
Assessment Period : 6 years (in cases of incorrect refunds, 5 years from the year in which the refund was made)
Standard Tax Period : Monthly (quarterly for annual turnover)
VAT Returns – Monthly: 12th of the second month (except Jan or Aug where the final date is the 17th)
VAT Returns – Quarterly: 12th of the second month (except Jan or Aug where the final date is the 17th)
VAT Returns – Annually: 26th of the second month (except December, where it is the 27th)
ESL filing – normally monthly; electronic; submitted by 25th day following reporting period
ESL filing – normally monthly; paper; submitted by 20th day following reporting period
Intrastat filing – 10th working day following reporting period